Tuesday 1 March 2011

a nice cup of tea and a mind blowing vampire

I think my lists are coming to an unexpected end. I really have no interest in continuing. Maybe I'll take one here and one there for my own amusement but it's not likely that you'll see too much of it.

We're not leaving for our country home after all. It's due to the disappointing weather. Oh well, I'm sitting in bed in my bathrobe, drinking tea and enjoying my book. Sadly there's a big chance that I've fallen in love with a fiction character. Isn't that just annoying? You think that this is the perfect person and you simply forget that you're watching an actor acting out a role that was designed by a fat, old woman in America. Tragic. 

1 comment:

Silje said...

Hehe, skjønner godt at du ikke gidder det så mye lengre, jeg hadde nok ikke nådd halveis engang, jeg gir alt for lett opp sånne ting, hehe :D Håper du har en fin vinterferie min venn<3