Sunday 27 February 2011

Creature of the dark

She looked at him through the sprinkles in the cage. A pleading look of hope. He was caught in an awful rage. Almost impossible to cope. He smelled the fear in her veins. She sweated and held out her hand. He wasn't something one tames, his world was not this land. The figure of a man soared across the room. The dark eyes filed with desire. His mind  possessed by a heavy gloom. His mouth a filthy lier. As he greedy took her in with his  penetrating gaze, she trembled and begged for salvation. Trying to smoothen the creature of  maze. Trapped in eternal damnation. Crouching down beside her, she could see his tears of blood. A peculiar creature of darkness she wouldn't have understood. The door was opened in silence. She quickly crawled to be freed. Her feet required guidance. He whispered "This'll be the last air you breathe". One snatch and she heavily bled. He drank her completely bloodless. Two seconds and the fragile was dead.

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